4月份最新營業時間調整 By WaiJacob on 2022年4月18日 星期一至六12:00-20:00星期日及公眾假期12:30-19:30門市地址:【九龍】Tel:3705-3154尖沙咀厚福街3號華博商業大廈2樓206舖(肥仔小食旁入)地鐵站B2出口https://goo.gl/maps/6VW...
Up to 30% off Easter Promotion 2022 By WaiJacob on 2022年3月1日 From now until April 30th, you can enjoy the designated discount for every purchase
Roselle Jewelry Announcement: By WaiJacob on 2022年2月28日 Due to the increasing severity of the epidemic, retail store opening hours will be changed as follows: