

al·​ex·​an·​drite | ˌa-lig-ˈzan-ˌdrīt


A variation of Chrysoberyl, with the unique ability of changing color in natural or artificial light

Regarded as the birthstone of June, and the gem of the 55th wedding anniversary, alexandrite was originally discovered in 1830, derived from the great Czar Alexander II, the Crown Prince of Russia. Alexandrite is a variation from chrysoberyl, a mineral which is publicized for its changing color in several forms of light. In sunlight, alexandrite appears blue-green, but indoors (tungsten) the color changes to a reddish-purple hue. Rarely mined, natural alexandrite of intense color is very expensive. Into the bargain, there are various synthetics in the market. Consumers may mistake a synthetic piece for authentic as the physical, chemical, and optical properties are next to equivalent. Authentic alexandrite may be found in areas of East Africa, Sri Lanka, and Brazil.



亞歷山大變石被視為六月的生辰石和結婚 55 週年的寶石,最初於 1830 年被發現,源自偉大的沙皇亞歷山大二世、俄羅斯王儲。 亞歷山大變石是金綠寶石的變種,金綠寶石是一種礦物,因其在多種光線下的顏色變化而廣為人知。 在陽光下,紫翠玉呈現藍綠色,但在室內(鎢)顏色變為紅紫色。 很少開採、顏色鮮豔的天然紫翠玉非常昂貴。 進入討價還價,市場上有各種合成材料。 由於物理、化學和光學特性幾乎相同,因此消費者可能會誤以為合成件是真品。 真正的紫翠玉可以在東非、斯里蘭卡和巴西的地區找到。